Writing a good article doesn't have to take a long time, but you do need to plan it out and focus on it. Check where to start!

Do you know what you are writing about? While the average copywriter usually starts to write a moment after receiving the topic he is familiar with and does not know where he gets his inspiration from, in the case of a difficult and little-known field, the situation is different. What it depends on? Whether you know what you are writing about.

I learned this simple technique by writing a lot of texts on topics that were little known at times. It also happened that the topic concerned a very complicated thing, such as a small detail used in the production and service of specialized machines.Out of habit, I often started writing a text with motivation and confidence that as I read specialized articles or content from the client, I would find the information I needed. However, after a few moments it turned out that I had no idea what exactly I was writing about. To create a valuable article, you need to know what exactly is the phenomenon being described. I even wrote a little instruction:

I am asking myself if I know what the phenomenon I am going to write about is about 🡪

I know / I don't know 🡪

Answer: I know, means to write and describe a given phenomenon / answer: I don't know, means to enter in Google: what is it (and write here a phenomenon, object, structural element, etc.) 🡪

Read 🡪

Then the topic develops.


Now for the specifics

In the further and slightly more specific part of this article, I will present you 7 reliable tips that will make your article linguistically correct, interesting and make your contact with the client or manager at the agency better. Here they are:

Begin your text with details

This is my favorite line. While many authors of texts create intricate introductions that are apparently intended to interest the reader, in my opinion particulars are the most important. It is the specific information that really interests the reader. Texts about beds or sofas starting with the style "everyone dreams of a comfortable couch" may seem attractive. However, I believe that the fact that every person in the world would like to have a comfortable bed is simply obvious. The reader's eyes simply skip such an introduction and look for more - that is, details :)

It sounds much better if you start your article with the words "When looking at beds for the bedroom, be sure to check whether, in addition to the aesthetic appearance, they also have a comfortable and springy mattress".

Read text aloud

If your text sounds like a voiceover from a good advertisement or documentary - keep it up. If, however, something is a little off, fluctuating, blows amateurs - work on the flow of information and style.

Check each text in online proofreaders

Although it would seem that the Copywriter knows the Polish language perfectly and does not make mistakes - in practice, when writing several hundred characters a month, typos, no commas or no repetition really creep in. While the repetitions are not most often caught by applications such as Language Tool or Equalizer, commas, double spaces and typos are often searched for and marked by such a program.

My advice is to paste the text into the proofreader fragment by fragment, especially in times of the greatest fatigue. Thanks to this, you can correct any errors faster and you will not get lost in the text. As for repetitions - if you know your weak point, e.g. you often misuse the word, but also, well - just use the shortcut ctrl + f, type in suspicious words, and the elements that interfere with the fluency of the text will be colored.

Keep an eye on the length of the paragraphs

This is an issue that often overlooked by copywriters. As a result, articles with a sneak peek at 800 zzs are created (the optimal length is about 450 - 500 zzs). Well, unless the client clearly indicated that he wants otherwise. Paragraphs should be about 350 - 500 zzs. In my experience, such formatted content is the best to read.

Do not abuse listing

While a list of the advantages or features of a given product can draw the reader's attention and help him or her quickly and in an organized and quick assimilation of the phenomenon they are reading about - an article consisting of several long lists interspersed with introductory paragraphs - is simply not inviting. Unless the title of the text clearly suggests that it will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of a phenomenon, product or service.

Use the appropriate language


Treat the company / person you are writing for as your best friend (or even better - as yourself)


Now find a mistake in the text and realize what else is important when creating content :)

How to create a good article?

03 August 2021

 " Sky Texts " 

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